CreditsThis text represents my first foray into original research and the first time I have ever written over 20 consecutive pages. Although my hope to publish this text has been shelved, so many people helped to make these pages possible that I feel compelled to share my findings. I owe so many thanks to those who were provided tremendous support in the pursuit of this intimidating undertaking. Without the generous support of the Fulbright Commission, this research would not have been possible. The Fulbright program has changed my life and the direction of my career. My experience has greatly expanded my respect for the complexity of culture, politics, people and the natural world. I thank the staff and my fellow Fulbrighters for believing in me. I owe tremendous thanks to the Department Ecology and Crop Production Science at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science in Uppsala, and to Jan Lagerlöf in particular. The department generously provided office space, resources, advice and moral support. Eko-Njord, the Swedish organization for ecovillages grounded me. Their networking assistance was critical. Their members were generous in their praise and constructive criticism. The ecovillage residents were very kind. They opened their homes, they shared their experiences, they provided wonderful encouragement. I am thankful of their support of my research, but more importantly, I thank them for having the courage and tenacity to develop their groundbreaking communities. I thank the architects, city planners, professors and others who took the time to answer my questions and provide me with further resources. I owe particular thanks to Chris Druid, Robert af Wetterstedt, Per Berg, Irene Alberg, Anders Rubensson, Varis Bokalders, Torbjörn Josefsson, Shira Mamhidir, Eje and Karina Bogefalk and many others for moral support and advice. On the American side, I owe tremendous thanks to Jan Alan who spent countless hours listening, talking and editing. Her belief in me and in the lessons the ecovillages have to offer was often the only thing that kept me from quitting. The value of faith cannot be overstated. |
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